Browsing by Author Thiago, Leandro de Souza

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Contribution of multiparameter flow cytometry immunophenotyping to the diagnostic screening and classification of pediatric cancerFacio, Cristiane de Sá Ferreira; Milito, Cristiane Bedran; Botafogo, Vitor; Fontana, Marcela; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Oliveira, Elen; Rocha Filho, Ariovaldo Santana da; Werneck, Fernando; Forny, Danielle Nunes; Dekermacher, Samuel; Azambuja, Ana Paula de; Ferman, Sima Esther; Faria, Paulo Antonio Silvestre de; Land, Marcelo Gerardin Poirot; Orfao, Alberto; Costa, Elaine Sobral da
2021Evaluation of HIF-1α and VEGF-A expression in radiation- induced cystitis: A case-control studyMattos, Ricardo Castellani de; Guimarães, Isabella dos Santos; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Melo, Andreia Cristina de
2018Expression of hypoxia inducible factor and vascular endothelium growth factor in irradiated bladdersMattos, Ricardo Castellani de; Guimarães, Isabella dos Santos; Rodrigues, Elizangela Marques; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Melo, Andreia Cristina de
2018Radiotherapy modulates expression of EGFR, ERCC1 and p53 in cervical cancer.Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Almeida, Vitor Hugo de; Rodrigues, Angélica Nogueira; Inada, Haynna Kimie Pimenta; Alves, Flávia Vieira Guerra; Moralez, Giulliana Martines; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Ferreira, Carlos Gil Moreira; Sternberg, Cinthya; Meira, Débora Dummer
2018Secretory carcinoma of salivary glands: where are we?Alves, Thayana; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Araújo, Luiz Henrique de Lima; Antunes, Héliton Spíndola; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos; Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Goldemberg, Daniel Cohen
2021A systematic review of secretory carcinoma of the salivary gland: where are we?Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Alves, Lísia Daltro Borges; Farinha, Thayana Alves; Araújo, Luiz Henrique de Lima; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Dias, Fernando Luiz; Antunes, Héliton Spíndola; Eisenberg, Ana Lucia Amaral; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos; Goldemberg, Daniel Cohen
2021A systematic review of secretory carcinoma of the salivary gland: where are we?Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Alves, Lísia Daltro Borges; Farinha, Thayana Alves; Araújo, Luiz Henrique de Lima; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Dias, Fernando Luiz; Antunes, Héliton Spíndola; Eisenberg, Ana Lucia Amaral; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos; Goldemberg, Daniel Cohen