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Title: Hyalinizing granuloma: an unusual case of a pulmonary mass
Authors: Brandão, Viviane
Marchiori, Edson dos Santos
Zanetti, Gláucia Maria Ribeiro
Abdalla, Guilherme
Ventura, Nina
Constantino, Carolina Pesce Lamas
Pereira, Mariana Leite
Martins, Pedro Henrique Rodrigues
Canellas, Rodrigo
Muccillo Junior, Antonio Carlos
Oliveira, Romulo Varella de
Keywords: Granuloma
Nódulo Pulmonar Solitário
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Tomógrafos Computadorizados
Tomography Scanners X-Ray Computed
Infecções Assintomáticas
Asymptomatic Infections
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Case Reports in Medicine
Citation: BRANDÃO, Viviane et al. Hyalinizing granuloma: an unusual case of a pulmonary mass. Case Reports in Medicine, p. 1-4, 2010.
Abstract: We describe the case of pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma in a 34-year-old asymptomatic man who presented with a pulmonary nodule apparent by chest radiography and computed tomography (CT). He had a history of previous treatment for tuberculosis. His laboratory data were normal. Bronchoscopy and CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic fine needle aspiration cytology were inconclusive. The diagnosis was revealed after the histopathological examination of an open lung biopsy.
Description: p. 1-4.: il. color. e p&b.
URI: http://sr-vmlxaph03:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10228
ISSN: 1687-9635
Appears in Collections:Artigos de Periódicos da área de Radiologia

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