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Title: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase Glu298Asp gene polymorphism in a multi-ethnical population with heart failure and controls
Authors: Velloso, Mônica Wanderley Monçores
Pereira, Sabrina Bernardez
Gouveia, Luciene
Chermont, Sergio Luiz Soares Marcos da Cunha
Tardin, Oziel Márcio
Gonçalves, Rodrigo
Camacho, Viviane
Contarato, Luiza de Fátima Maia
Quintão, Mônica Maria Pena
Alves, Thiago Oliveira e
Pessoa, Leandro Pontes
Brito Júnior, Arnaldo
Ribeiro, Georgina Severo
Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco
Keywords: Insuficiência Cardíaca
Heart Failure
Óxido Nítrico Sintase
Nitric Oxide Synthase
Polimorfismo Genético
Polymorphism Genetic
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Nitric Oxide
Citation: VELLOSO, Mônica Wanderley Monçores et al. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase Glu298Asp gene polymorphism in a multi-ethnical population with heart failure and controls. Nitric Oxide, v. 22, p. 220–225, 2010.
Abstract: Brazilian population has a multi-ethnical profile and the prevalence of endothelial nitric oxide synthase enzyme (eNOS) polymorphism in heart failure (HF) has not been previously studied. Therefore the pres ent study assessed the association of eNOS Glu298Asp polymorphism in patients with HF and controls. In a crossover study, was analysed the distribution of the Glu298Asp in 100 outpatients with HF, and 103 healthy controls. Self-reported race were analyzed. Left atria and left ventricle diameters and ejection fraction were evaluated in patients group. Glu298Asp was analysed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. The patient’s average age was 59 years, 66% males, 49% Afro-descendants. The allelic frequency in patient group was Glu298 = 72%/Asp298 = 28% and the geno type frequency (GF) was Glu298Glu:49%; Glu298Asp:47%; Asp298Asp:4%. In control group, 60% Glu298 and 40% Asp298; 35% Glu298Glu, 49.5% Glu298Asp and 15.5% Asp298Asp. The prevalence of allele Glu298 was significantly higher in patients (p = 0.009) as genotype Glu298Glu (p = 0.03). The Glu298 in Afro-Brazilians (79%) and white patients (67%) were similar, although there was significant difference (p = 0.03) in GF Glu298Glu between Afro-Brazilians and whites. There was an increased prevalence of hypertension and increased atria in Glu298Glu patients comparing with combined genotype Glu298Asp and Asp298Asp. This study suggests a regional variation in the distribution of Glu298Asp. The compari son of this distribution in African-Brazilian suggests a synergistic effect of African-descendent, Glu298Glu genotype and HF. Also demonstrated an increased frequency of Glu298 and Glu298Glu, suggesting inter action of them with HF. In HF patients, the clinical, echocardiograph and genotype analysis suggests an association of Glu298 allele and hypertension.
Description: p. 220–225.: tab. p&b.
URI: http://sr-vmlxaph03:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7474
ISSN: 1089-8611
Appears in Collections:Artigos de Periódicos da área de Fisioterapia

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