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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Editorial Comment: Effects of testicular dysgenesis syndrome components on testicular germ cell tumor prognosis and oncological outcomesMelo, Andreia Cristina de
2020-04Therapeutic Management of Carious Injuries in Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease Patients: Case ReportSouto, Ana Carolina da Silva; Ramos, Gabriela de Assis; Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Goldemberg, Daniel Cohen; Antunes, Héliton Spíndola
2021Evaluation of HIF-1α and VEGF-A expression in radiation- induced cystitis: A case-control studyMattos, Ricardo Castellani de; Guimarães, Isabella dos Santos; Thiago, Leandro de Souza; Melo, Andreia Cristina de
2020Cytotoxicity and Pro-Apoptotic, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Geopropolis Produced by the Stingless Bee Melipona fasciculata SmithBarboza, Josianne Rocha; Pereira, Francisco Assis Nascimento; Fernandes, Renan Amphilophio; Vasconcelos, Cleydlenne Costa; Cartágenes, Maria do Socorro de Sousa; Lopes, Alberto Jorge Oliveira; Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Guimarães, Isabella dos Santos; Rocha, Cláudia Quintino da; Ribeiro, Maria Nilce de Sousa
2020-12Interplay Between EGFR and the Platelet-Activating Factor/PAF Receptor Signaling Axis Mediates Aggressive Behavior of Cervical CancerSouza, Juliana L.; Martins-Cardoso, Karina; Guimarães, Isabella dos Santos; Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Lopes, Angela H.; Monteiro, Robson de Queiroz; Almeida, Vitor Hugo de
2021Advanced Cervical Cancer: Leveraging the Historical Threshold of Overall SurvivalPaulino, Eduardo; Melo, Andreia Cristina de
2021-01Radiotherapy alone in locally advanced cervical cancer: a palliative treatment? Real-world dataBraz, Tiago Pontes; Paulino, Eduardo; Garces, Alvaro Henrique Ingles; Reisner, Rachele Grazziotin; Guitmann, Gustavo; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos; Melo, Andreia Cristina de
2017Regressão importante de metástase loco regional de melanoma com o uso de IBRAF e IMEKCaiado, Larissa; Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Campos-do-Carmo, Gabriella
2018Melanoma in Brazil: incidence and mortality in the last 15 yearsMelo, Andreia Cristina de; Wainstein, Alberto Julius Alves; Buzaid, Antônio Carlos; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos
2018Oral leukoplakia screening with early diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma: 9-year follow-upBandeira, Joseane Amanda Thiemann; Camacho, Aline Helen da Silva; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos; Araújo, Luiz Henrique de Lima; Melo, Andreia Cristina de; Antunes, Héliton Spíndola; Goldemberg, Daniel Cohen